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I couldn't be more thrilled than to have received this! More news on the next stage of this film animation in due course.

Forthcoming Releases

Here are some details of forthcoming releases before the end of 2020. 



Firstly, Arcangelo's Brockes Passion. These sessions were an amazing amount of fun, and the piece was a feast of new discoveries for me of Handel's genius. A stellar line up of soloists led by the indefatigable Sandrine Piau has created a project that I am quite sure, as is so usual with the Arcangelo team, will get the critics reaching for the asterisk button for their reviews. This was a real highlight of 2019 - due for release this autumn.  

I first encountered Jaako Mantyjarvi's music a few years ago with the National Youth Choir. Immediately accessible, yet in a rather more involved manner than many of the current fashionistas, Jaako's music gets here the treatment that only the Trinity Choir and Stephen Layton can bring to this repertoire. The Stuttgart Psalms were the highlight for me - full of razzling energy and power. For my money, I feel that this is the best yet from this group - fingers crossed those critics agree!


Due for release in October 2020



A thrilling new release from the choir of Keble College, Oxford under Matthew Martin. Much more than the average trawl through the Christmas repertoire there is a really imaginative mix of old and new presented here, including a couple of stunning works by Matthew himself. An added joy for me was to have my old chum Jeremy Filsell at the organ. As is his wont, he gave the new instrument at Buckfast Abbey a good workout, excellently captured as always by sound engineer Dave Hinitt.  



Following the incredible win at the 2019 Gramophone Awards of the Early Music Award for their debut album - yes, debut - the next album off the press is this lovely disc of Duarte Lobo. Recorded in the same building as the first album, the breathtaking Bom Jesus in Braga, I hope that this one will be as well received. It should be - the group on excellent form, and Dave Rowell making the building sound as glorious as it looks.


Due for release in September 2020

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